How Is The Weight Of A Parcel Determined?

Did you know? 63% of shoppers expect delivery within 3 days as the standard. So, getting the delivery experience right is important for building a loyal customer base.

To tailor a positive delivery experience for your customers, there is one rule above all: Quote and book the delivery with accurate weight. But wait –  wondering when you should book with actual weight / volumetric weight?

Let us guide you on that to avoid misdeclared weight which will cause a parcel delay (and yay, a poor delivery experience for shoppers)!

Actual Weight is the true weight of the package as it says on the weighing scale. For example, a parcel weighs 1kg because the weighing scale indicates 1kg.

Volumetric Weight is how much space the parcel occupies according to its dimensions. For example, an item in a big box weighs 1kg on the scale but its package volume can equivalent to 5kg.

Which You Should Use To Quote For Courier Booking?

STEP 1: Measure the actual weight with a weighing scale. Be sure that the packaging is included in the weight as well.

STEP 2: Calculate the volumetric weight of your parcel using its dimensions (length, width, and height). If you have no idea how it can be calculated, use our volumetric calculator that available for free.

STEP 3: Quote and book your parcel with the weight that whichever higher. For example, the actual weight is 2kg and the volumetric weight is 6kg, then just quote with volumetric weight.

We've Prepared Volumetric Weight Calculator For You

Just head over to the “Single Parcel” and tap on the calculator icon, key in the dimension (width, length and height) of your parcel in cm. With a click on the “Calculate” button, the volumetric weight of your parcel has been generated automagically.