How To Prevent Your Credit From Flying Away?

Hello there! This is a courtesy reminder that EasyParcel credit has a validity of 1 year from your latest top up date. So if you’re worried that you might not use up your credit in a short time, worry not, as you can slowly use up the credit for a year or extend the duration for another year easily!

Before your account expires, we will send you multiple reminders through SMS and email. The infographic below shows everything you need to know about EasyParcel credit.

How To Check Your Account Validity?


Click on the arrow icon beside your profile picture and mouseover the green “Verified” label under your profile name to view the credit active date.


Mouseover the clock icon located beside your EasyParcel credits, you can view the account validity now.


Click “Account” > “Profile” on the side bar menu and click on the green “Verified” button under your profile name to check account validity.

If you require any assistance, feel free to contact us at here.

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