Stepping Up The Automation Game | Never Run Out of EP Credit With Auto Top Up

Not only we’ve made courier booking easier for you, and now the payment process too!

Pre-save your money inside EasyParcel by selecting any of our top up packages and use it for courier booking at discounted member rates, marketing tools subscription and packaging materials purchase can help to avoid the hassle and risk of payment failed/ server error and so on.

The thing is getting better – you’ll no longer have to worry about the hassle of topping up manually every time you run low on EasyParcel credit. Here comes our auto top-up feature – it’s available for all of you out there!

To make sure you have enough credit to use every time you need, it is best for you to top up your EasyParcel credit ahead too. Simply perform a one-time activation for auto top-up, and never run out of EasyParcel credit again!

How To Enable Auto Top Up?

Step 1: Click “Account” >>> “Auto Top Up”.


Step 2: Enable the activation button and click on the preferred package.


Step 3: Fill in the details and choose the card.


Step 4: Click “Confirm” and the automation is done!


Turn on or off your auto top-up anytime as you wish with just a click.

Enable it now to make your life easier! ?

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Have a feature in mind that could enhance your experience with EasyParcel? Let us know!
