Marketing Your Brand Just Got Easier With V8.2.3

Marketing to existing customers is a great choice to improve your bottom line in business. You know these people will buy from you, so you just need to turn them into repeat customers.

They can be a meaningful source of new revenue. But, where to start if your budget is running on a shoestring? In V8.2.3, we’ve prepared you some marketing tools that provide ROI which you can make use of that won’t blow your small marketing budget.

Don’t leave your serious money on the table, be the first to learn more below!

What's New In V8.2.3?

  • QuickSend

Almost everyone is on social media, so your business should be too. If you’re happened to sell on Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, WhatsApp and LINE, here’s the great news for you – we’ve launched QuickSend. With this tool, you can now officially say goodbye to hectic booking process as you’ll be able to and have your orders imported from those social media auto-magically!

  • Custom Tracking Email

Thinking how to turn a boring tracking email into an irresistible link pitch? Try on our Custom Tracking Email! This new feature is not only helps sending your shipment tracking details via email to your customer automatically, but you also can include your own logo and promotional text/banner in one place.

Other Marketing Tools That You Can't Afford To Miss

  • Custom Tracking SMS

With this feature, you can tailor message with tracking details by including specify field that will automatically change for each of the recipient of this message.

  • AWB Branding

Spread the words of your promotion doesn’t need to be hard and expensive as you can put your own promotional text or banner on your air waybill from as low as S$0.04 (text) or S$0.05 (banner) only.

Share Your Ideas With Us!

We’re always looking to improve, and your feedback is key to making that happen.
Have a feature in mind that could enhance your experience with EasyParcel? Let us know!
