Send Your International Parcels with Ninja Van!

You heard it! Aside from local delivery services, we are happy to announce that Ninja Van is here to serve you for international shipments to most countries around the globe as well. Try out Ninja Van international service at our platform today!

These are the general info about Ninja Van International:-

(Subjected to changes. Kindly click on service info ⓘ icon at quote and book page for latest info.)

  • Same day pick up: For orders made before 11.45am. Parcel will be collected today within 9.00am – 6.00pm.
  • Delivery time frame: Delivery time frame: Varies depending on destination country also and subjected to customs clearance speed. Delivery is unavailable to P.O Box areas.
  • 3 copies of invoice and 1 copy of air waybill need to be attached to the parcel.
  • Shipments that are returned to Singapore will have charges applicable to according to the weight of the shipments.
  • All rates quoted are nett rate inclusive of shipping fee only and does not include address correction fee by courier, customs duty and taxes, temporary import export charges, import taxes or duties and shipment return charges.
  • Ninja Van will compensate S0 on basic insurance coverage for damaged and lost shipments whichever lower.
  • Maximum weight is 30kg and maximum VW is in total of 300cm(L+W+H) with one side not exceeding 150cm.
  • Parcel weight will be determined by either actual or volumetric weight (VW) or whichever is higher. VW formula =(height x width x length)cm / 5000.
  • Claim of damaged or shortage should be provided by consignee 24 hours upon successful delivery.


How To Book For Ninja Van?

Step 1: Click on the “Single Parcel” on your dashboard.


Step 2: Choose country for delivery, fill in postcode and the weight of your parcel, then proceed with “Quote & Book”.


Step 3: Choose NinjaVan and click on the “Book” button.


Step 4: Fill in the sender details.


Step 5: Fill in the receiver details.


Step 6: Fill in the parcel details and its value.


Step 7: Choose pick up date at your convenience and then “Add To Cart”.


Step 8: Make sure your parcel details is correct and you may proceed to payment by clicking on “Check Out”.


Heads up, the rate may fluctuate from time to time depending on the courier service provider due to fuel & handling surcharges. Hence, we would like to suggest you to get accurate pricing for your delivery order by obtaining it from our website with a click below.

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