Make Your Life Easy With The 3 New Features In V8.2.4

Are you busy replying your customers about their tracking status? Or do you hate spending your time printing air waybills separately? Either way, there are 3 brand new features in our V8.2.4 to help your customers stay on top of the updates and also ensure your brand visibility.

Let’s have a look at all these new features so you can make use them to grow your business online.

Something Great In V8.2.4

  • EasyTrack Branding

Promote your brand where your customers always come back to track their shipments can be a great way to increase your sales. By using our EasyTrack Branding, you can simply put your own brand and latest promotion banner in the landing page, and let your existing customers closely engaged with your Facebook official page.

  • Bulk Air Waybill In One PDF

Tired of printing all air waybills one-by-one? We know how hassle and time wasting this may cause toward you, so you can now download and print bulk air waybills in one PDF file. That means, you can print all downloaded air waybills with just a click on the mouse and your printer will work for you automatically.

Share Your Ideas With Us!

We’re always looking to improve, and your feedback is key to making that happen.
Have a feature in mind that could enhance your experience with EasyParcel? Let us know!
